All The Reasons Why Garlic Is Good For You

Garlic is something that has been used by humans for centuries and millennia, not only for culinary reasons but also for its wide medical applications. Some civilizations which are known to have used garlic for its health and medical properties include the Egyptians, Chinese, Romans, Greeks as well as Indians.

Additionally, the famous Greek physician Hippocrates was known for prescribing garlic for treating and aiding a variety of medical conditions to his patients, such as respiratory problems, digestive issues, fatigue and parasitic infections. Furthermore, the Greeks also used and ate raw garlic for its proposed endurance and performance enhancing properties which its athletes benefited from.

Now that we know some history about garlic and how it has been valued as a medical and culinary ingredient for millennia, I wanted o look into specifically what garlic contains that makes it so effective at treating ailments as well as in what ways it can actually benefit us.

For all you garlic lovers, I hope you enjoy this one 🧄 😊.


One of the main reasons for why garlic has such a potent taste and smell, along with its alleged health benefits, is because of a sulfur based compound it contains called allicin which has well known antimicrobial properties along side its high antioxidant profile. However the issue with allicin is that it is very unstable since it is only briefly present directly after cutting or crushing raw garlic, after which it degrades.

There are also other sulfur based compounds which give garlic its acclaimed health benefits, namely diallyl disulfide and sallyl cysteine which after eating enter your digestive tract and make their way into other parts of your body.

Other than that, garlic is also rich in some other minerals like phosphorus, potassium, zinc and magnesium, alongside vitamins such as vitamin C, K, folate, niacin and thiamine.

If you are interested more in vitamins and minerals, check our more information about them here.


Keeps You Immune Against The Common Cold

  • A study from 2016 found that participants who took aged garlic exact supplements daily for 3 months, had experienced less severe symptoms of the flue and cold and also on average missed fewer days of work or school during the flue season.

  • Apart from this, a different study also found that certain compounds in garlic may have antiviral properties which alongside boosting your immune system, also protect your body from harmful viruses that could otherwise cause colds or other illnesses.

Improves Your Athletic Performance

  • Since ancient Greece, garlic has been considered a natural performance enhancing substance which works to reduce fatigue among athletes as well as improving the endurance working capacity of laborers among physically intensive jobs.

Reduces High Blood Pressure

  • It is well established at this point that high blood pressure, also known as hyper tension, is a great contributor to later developing chronic diseases such as heart attacks and strokes.

  • Researchers from a 2020 study were interested to identify wether eating garlic supplements could reduce blood pressure among people with hypertension and their findings showed that indeed the supplements did lower blood pressure alongside linking this decrease to a “16–40% reduced risk of experiencing cardiovascular events”. This study also noted that this decrease in blood pressure was similar to that of taking blood pressure medications except there was no negative side effects.

  • Furthermore, a different review of several studies showed that the allicin compound found in garlic has the ability to limit the production of angiotensin II, which is a hormone recognized for increasing blood pressure, where allicin instead encourages your blood vessels to relax and dilate, thus lowering blood pressure.

Has Potent anti-inflammatory effects

  • Research is showing that raw garlic contains naturally occurring substances that have strong anti inflammatory effects on our body which can be useful for anyone who has sore or inflamed joints or muscles, because using garlic oil on those body areas has shown to subdue the pain or joint discomfort.

Is Able To Aid Digestive Problems

  • With its potent anti inflammatory effects, garlic is able to ease minor digestive issues we may have by removing any bad or harmful bacteria from our intestinal tract and promoting regular bowel movements.

Improves Overall Heart Health

  • Several studies have confirmed the finding that eating garlic supplements daily, can within a couple of months reduce LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) by at least 10% among people with elevated LDL cholesterol.

  • On the other hand, garlic was found to have no effect on blood triglycerides or HDL cholesterol (the good kind), so more research is needed before making any claims about garlic and its long term effects on heart health.

  • Furthermore, the allicin compound found in garlic prevents LDL cholesterol from being oxidized in the blood, which not only reduces cholesterol levels but also reduces the probability of blood clots occurring. Combined with the research that garlic can lower blood pressure, it can be safe to assume that garlic has a positive effect on our heart and cardiovascular health.

Keeps Your Brain And Cognition Healthy

  • In THIS blog post I have discussed the role and behavior of antioxidants in our body and how they are able to counteract oxidative stress, which is otherwise among other things, also linked to a decline in cognition and brain health.

  • Since garlic is full of antioxidants, it is able to support your bodies natural mechanism against oxidative stress and in this way reduces your chances of developing mentally inhibiting conditions such as Alzheimers or other types of dementias.

Promotes Good Bone Health

  • A couple of studies looked at the effects of garlic and bone health among menopausal women, and identified that with garlics ability to lower oxidative stress, eating garlic in its raw or supplement form can also decrease chances of osteoporosis.

  • Additionally, regularly consuming garlic also prevents or reduces the onset of osteoarthritis due to the compound diallyl disulphide which has a positive effect on maintaining healthy bone density.

Can Detoxify You From Heavy Metals

  • The compound allicin in garlic has been shown to be able to reduce levels of heavy metals in the blood and different organs, such as lead. This is especially useful for people who work in heavy metal industries or jobs which require the use of heavy metals like lead or mercury.

  • Furthermore, the garlic did not only decrease the levels of lead in the blood but also various other signs related to blood toxicity such as headaches and high blood pressure.

May Work Against Cancers

  • Together with garlic antibacterial properties and its high antioxidant profile, in regular consumption over a long period, garlic is able to protect the body against several cancers such as that of the lung, prostate, bladder, stomach, liver and colon, as well as preventing peptic ulcers which occur when the acid in your stomach starts eating away at some parts of the stomach lining.

Promotes Moderate Weight Loss

  • Some studies have found that eating raw garlic reduces the expression of certain genes that promote the formation of adipose fat cells which store fat in our body. Furthermore, garlic also increases our bodies thermogenesis which is the process of releasing heat from adipose tissue that leads to the burning or more fat.

Helps Against Acne And Healthy Skin Appearance

  • Garlic has also been identified to be beneficial for acne prone skin, where gently rubbing raw garlic over pimples can help with clearing them away, however if you have sensitive skin, consult with a medical expert or dermatologist about this.


Garlic is generally not problematic for people, except that it often causes bad breath and some people may be allergic to it. Furthermore if you have some kind of blood disorder where your blood has issues with clotting normally, be careful with using garlic, especially if you use blood thinning medications since garlic has an effect on your blood clotting ability.


If you would like to increase your garlic intake, here are some ideas for how to do so:

  • Sauté it together with other aromatic such as onions, leeks or ginger for making a great starting base for soups, pastas, risottos, meat dishes or stews.

  • Crush raw garlic and add it into salad dressings.

  • You can always just eat it raw as it is, by cutting the clove into more manageable pieces (not the most delicious way but definitely ensures that all of the active compound stay in tact).

  • Putting it on toast or bread alongside a spread.

  • Mixing it into dips and spreads.

  • Put peeled cloves of garlic in the oven with some olive oil until fully cooked and softened, and add that into mashed potatoes, soups, sauces, or dips.


In todays blog post we are discussing the topic of garlic, specifically what in garlic makes it so beneficial for us and why is garlic so beneficial to eat in the first place.


Taya Bregant

Hi there I am Taja and I write about all things related to self improvement and personal growth.


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