Fitness, Lifestyle Taya Bregant Fitness, Lifestyle Taya Bregant

The Importance Of A Good Posture

I got the idea for wanting to write a post on how to have good posture a while back, but only now did I realize that this is again one of those neglected yet super important topics especially now where we spend so much of our day sitting down; Working, eating, commuting etc.

I like to focus on things that we have control over in our lives, which also includes our posture. I took a look into why does good posture actually matter in the end and what are some simple ways we can start improving it, and the information I found was surprising.

I hope you enjoy this one and see for yourself what kinds of benefits having good posture can bring to you.


→ When talking about good posture, I am talking about the proper alignment of your body when we are standing or sitting down . Good posture is about holding your body against gravity in such a way that it puts minimal strain on your supportive structures like muscles and ligaments. This keeps our joints and bones in their optimal alignment and over time prevents excessive wear and tear.

Standing up:

  • Our chin is parallel to the floor

  • Our shoulders are even (To achieve this roll the up, back and then down)

  • Having a neutral spine (No flexing or arching)

  • Our arms hang naturally at our sides with elbows straight

  • Our abdominal muscles are active

  • Hips are even and not tilted

  • Knees point straight ahead

  • Our whole body weight is evenly distributed on both feet

Sitting down:

  • Both of our feet are placed flat on the ground in front of the chair

  • Our ankles are in front of our knees

  • Try to avoid sitting with legs crossed

  • Keep your knees below or at hip level

  • Your abdominal muscles are active

  • Relax your shoulders

  • Ensure that you chair supports your middle and lower back


Less headaches

  • Through better posture, we are able to keep the muscles around our neck area more relaxed and prevent them from getting tense which otherwise can lead to frequent headaches.

Less tension in shoulder and neck area

  • When our head is tilted forward too much or when we look down at our screens extensively, we can start experiencing uncomfortable tension in our shoulders which further encourages poor posture.

Improves spine health and eases lower back pain

  • Sitting for extensive periods of time especially with poor posture, results in more pressure and tension being put onto our lower back which can over time cause back pain and discomfort. Try to stand up and walk around a bit every 30 minutes.

Better and deeper breathing

  • When we are slouching over or in a bent over position, we are essentially compressing our lungs and our airways, so when we open up our chest and roll back our shoulders it becomes easier to breathe and inhale more fresh air.

More energy and better mood

  • With better posture we can experience and elevation in mood and energy levels due to deeper breathing and also the fact that our body and muscles can move with more ease when everything is properly aligned and we have proper posture.

Boosts circulation and digestion

  • With good posture we prevent any of our organs and internal systems from getting compressed, ensuring good blood flow, proper working of digestive organs as well as the delivery of nutrients and oxygen around our body.

Keeps your core strong

  • In order to keep good posture, some level of muscular effort is required, especially from our core and upper back muscles, which keeps them active and engaged.

Makes you appear taller

  • Although this is more of a side note, people who have good posture seem more attractive to us by looking taller and generally healthier.

Improves your form during exercise

  • With better posture your muscles and bones are properly aligned which allows you to execute certain movements more correctly. This over time means we become more mobile, flexible and also prevent any unwanted injuries.

Makes you feel more confident

  • Interestingly enough, some research has pointed out a link between people who practice good posture and a higher level of confidence, which might be due to the perceived image that people get of themselves when they have better posture which as we have seen improves their mood and appearance


  • Move and stretch your body: Over time when we are regularly active, our muscle and bone mass increase, which helps to stabilize our posture and stability.

  • Ergonomic Workspace: Ergonomics is the study of how to improve peoples performance in a work environment. An example can be investing in a ergonomic desk chair which effectively supports your back and optimizes your typing or writing position. Also it is encouraged to have your screen directly in front of your head, instead of looking down.

  • Backpack: If you often carry heavy things, opt for carrying them in a backpack on your back that will distribute the weight more evenly than compared to a shoulder or cross body alternative.

  • Increasing awareness: When sitting down or walking around we often simply forget about our posture and before we know it we are slouched over our desk or computer screens. Take a moment every so often during your day to check on your posture and adjust it accordingly. Become more aware of your posture and when you need to realign it.

  • Less bending down: Try to limit the amount of time you spend bending down or crouching and if you do find yourself being often in those positions, being aware of your posture is even more important.

I have to admit that I learnt a lot of new things about our posture and what are some practical ways of improving it. I hope that you learnt something new as well and that you found this topic interesting.

Even-though it is quite a small and often neglected topic, I think that if we begin to practice proper posture and become more aware of when we need to realign our body, we can set ourselves up for better health and physical condition when we are older.

Thank you so much for reading.

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