Books I Will Be Reading In 2023

In the last post we have discussed all of the best books I have read in the year 2022, so I wanted to dedicate this post to all of the books which I am planning on reading for this year, for which I have in mind 15 so far.

As always, I would love to hear your own book recommendations and to hear on what you are aiming on reading for this year.

I hope you enjoy 😊 📚


Although I have talked about the benefits of a consistent reading routine before in this blog post, here are the main ones which I wanted to highlight for you to know about:

  • Reading Prevents Neurodegenerative Diseases: These conditions include dementia such as Alzheimers where reading readily stimulates our brains activity and enhances its synaptic connectivity, helping to keep our brains active and young while preventing cognitive decline. As well as keeping your brain healthy, reading also aids in better memory retention and brain functioning, which also helps slow down the development of dementia by keeping your brains clear of beta amyloid plaques which over time build up an cause memory decay in Alzheimers.

  • Improves Your Vocabulary and General Knowledge: Reading has for a long time now been shown to steadily improve vocabulary, spelling as well as greatly enhance the general knowledge and understanding of the world around you. This is also why reading is so encouraged, so that you get to learn about the events happening around you, have a deeper understanding of why certain things occur and with that formulate you own well thought out opinions and perspectives. Reading makes you educated and well informed.

  • Reduces Stress: Have you ever read for a little bit before going to bed and noticed that you suddenly become very tired and calm? Chances are you have. This is because when we read, we are very focused on the words in front of us which allows us to feel calm helping our body to naturally start releasing melatonin which initiates our body for sleep. This happens especially quickly when we are in a quiet environment with dim warm lighting.

  • Helps With Calmer Sleep: Because reading can be such a relaxing activity, it is also great for making it easier to fall asleep and generally ensuring a calmer night of sleep. It may also be more beneficial to read on a physical paper back book in the evenings instead of electronic readers as bright lights can disrupt our natural sleep cycles.

  • Heightens Your Empathy Skills: When we read books, especially those which have a story plot line and different characters, we allow ourselves to become immersed in the story and connect with the different characters. In this way we develop emotions and opinions about certain people in the story which in reality allows us to become more empathetical towards others in our everyday.

  • Lowers Blood Pressure and Heart Rate: Regular reading has been shown to lower blood pressure and resting heart rate almost as effectively as yoga, which can help with longevity (living longer) as well as keeping your cardiovascular system healthy.

  • Improved Focus and Concentration: Because reading and following a story requires quite a bit of concentration, reading can be a great activity to help improve how long you can focus for, especially in todays time when we are highly distracted by notifications and live by instant gratification. Reading is a great way to calm ourselves and work on our focus abilities which will help us with our personal, school or work lives.


Bellow you can find all of the books which I am to read for this year, some of which are non fiction and some are fiction.

  • Manifest: 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life (Roxie Nafousi)

  • You Are A Badass At Making Money (Jen Sincero)

  • The Only Study Guide You Will Ever Need (Unjaded Jade)

  • Four Hour Work Week (Tim Ferriss)

  • Best Self: Be You, Only Better (Mike Bayer)

  • The Buddha and The Badass (Vishen Lakhiani)

  • Smarter Living (Karen Barrow, Karron Skog, and Tim Herrera)

  • The Motivation Myth: How High Achievers Really Set Themselves Up to Win (Jeff Haden)

  • Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)

  • Food for life: The New Science of Eating Well (Spector)

  • Your Body In Balance: The New Science of Food, Hormones, and Health (Neal Barnard)

  • Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy (Martin Lindstrom)

  • 8 Rules of Love: How to Find It, Keep It, and Let It Go (Jay Shetty)

  • Normal people: A Novel (Sally Rooney)

  • The Mostly True Story Of Tanner & Louise (Colleen Oakley)

I hope that you were able to find some intereting new information on why it is good for us to read regularly and also that I was able to give you some ideas for books which you could read for yourself in 2023.

Wishing you happy reading :)

Taya Bregant

Hi there I am Taja and I write about all things related to self improvement and personal growth.


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