Self Development, Lifestyle Taya Bregant Self Development, Lifestyle Taya Bregant

Top 10 Productivity Tips

Everyone likes the idea of being productive, however many of us fall into the traps of procrastination and distractions, that hinder us from becoming the best version of ourselves. Here are my personal top ten tips that will boost your productivity, work output and efficiency.

TIP 1: Time Tracking

Tracking your time is more than just a productivity tip; It enables you to identify how long it actually takes you to finish a task and it also encourages you to fully focus on the task at hand without any distractions, ultimately leading to a higher quality piece of work.

The Pomodoro time tracking technique is very popular, where you work for 25minutes, have a break for 5 minutes and repeat. However, if you feel that you can maintain focus for more than 25 minutes, go ahead, just do not neglect to have breaks in between.

Tracking the time you spend on tasks can be done by simply setting a timer on one of your devices or installing time tracking software which can automatically start and stop timing when taking a break.

Some of my favourite time tracking software:

  • Toggl (Individual and group tracking)

  • Focus keeper (Pomodoro style)

  • Emphasis (Pomodoro style)

  • Forest (Paid application)

TIP 2: Eliminate Distractions

A crucial aspect of keeping focused is putting aside all potential distractions, which prevent you from entering a "flow state", which is defined as a “optimal state of consciousness where we feel our best and perform our best" by the author of the book Flow, Mihály Csíkszentmihályiwhich.

Methods of avoiding distractions include:

  • Muting notifications

  • Placing your devices in less convenient places

  • Setting time for focus and time for taking a break

  • Use website/ internet blockers (Eg: Freedom and Cold Turkey Blocker)

TIP 3: Stay Energized

For us to be able to execute a task well, we must be physically and mentally in shape first before we can fully commit to doing it. If we neglect any of the daily biological necessities that keep our minds sharp and our bodies in shape, we firstly see a decline in our focus, motivation and clarity of thinking, which inevitably leads to lower productivity - something that we do not want.

It is also important to mention that the neglect of one of these essential caretakers (such as sleep) will lead to us having even less energy and motivation to complete other important habits (such as exercising), clearly resulting in a vicious cycle that is hard to stop.

Ways of energizing ourselves:

  • Sleep minimum 7-8 hours each night

  • Eat a varied, balanced and whole-foods based diet

  • Try and get in at least 30 minutes of exercise per day

  • Being out in fresh air

  • Taking a nap in the middle of the day

  • Replacing sugary drinks with water

  • Meditation

TIP 4: Plan out Your Day In Advance

By planning the following day the night before, you instantly know exactly all the things you have to get done that days so you waste less time deciding what to fit and not to fit onto your to-do list.

When planning your day ahead I would plan for:

  • Small and large tasks and projects I have to start or complete (in order of priority)

  • How you will avoid and deal with potential distractions and issues

  • How long you will spend on those tasks and then using a timer to track the time spent

  • What resources will I need to get those tasks done in time

TIP 5: Task Prioritization

It is not only important to consider what you add onto your to-do list but also which tasks are most important to get done for that day. This way you at least know that if you completed your highest priority tasks, you did the most important work.

Often times we like to start with the tasks that are shortest and require last effort, making them lowest priority tasks, but if we take time to consider how we will tackle and complete larger, higher priority tasks, we will get much more satisfaction and reassurance that the hardest work has been done already.

Prioritize tasks based on:

  • Importance and effort needed (proximity to a deadline)

  • Amount of time needed

In the case that we feel overwhelmed by the number of tasks we have on hand, it is an important skill to learn when to say "no" to opportunities. We should say "no" to opportunities when we know we have too much on our plate for another task, when the task will not bring much value or opportunity to our life or when we do not find the opportunity interesting because we have other more interesting occupations already.

TIP 6: Avoid Multitasking

This is again something that links to the idea of a "flow state", whereby multi-tasking we are not applying an equal amount of focus to the tasks we are doing simultaneously, but we are instead only diverting our attention when ever we switch to a new task. This way all of the tasks that we are multitasking on will be of lower quality and it will even take us longer to complete those tasks as our attention is continuously distracted.

In creative fields specifically, where a lot of idea generation and periods of extended focus are needed, I would try and limit the amount of multitasking, but instead, try and complete tasks one after another in their order of priority.

The only times when I would require multitasking:

  • When doing a repetitive task

  • When doing a task that does not require creative thinking

  • When doing a task that we are highly familiar with and not much thinking is required

TIP 7: Break Up Large Tasks

Often when starting a large project-based task, we feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of work that lies ahead of us so we don't even feel like starting because we don’t even know where to start with the task.

To overcome this issue, I recommend dividing you larger task into smaller more tangible tasks that will still make progress towards your larger task but will not overwhelm you.

When splitting up a task, I would consider the following:

  • What is the end goal/ result of me doing this smaller task?

  • How long will it realistically take me to finish each small task?

  • When is the deadline for the whole task to be completed?

  • How much effort and resources will each small task cost me?

TIP 8: Identify Your “Why”:

You should always have a reason for doing something, a larger intention that stands behind your actions, otherwise, what’s the point of doing anything?

Identifying the reason behind doing something is not always the easiest thing, so before starting, ask yourself:

  • Why am I doing this task?

  • What will I get out of it by completing it?

  • Who am I doing the task for? (Myself or someone else)

By clarifying your intention behind each task, you also create the underlying factor of motivation that powers you through the task and allows you to keep the end goal in sight, increases the chances of you finishing the task and at the end, also makes you more proud of what you have completed thus far.

TIP 9: Set Realistic And Achievable Goals

Unlike the last tip, this point focuses on the output value of the tasks you do in the form of setting goals that guide and allow you to complete the task in the first place.

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Purpose of setting goals:

  • Guide us in the general right direction

  • Motivate us to work towards something

  • Defining what is "enough" for us and when to stop with something

However I do want to clarify, that while goals are important, it is important to not keep them in our foresight all the time, but instead, we should be using them as an every so often reference point to check that we are headed in the right direction.

Because goals should be specific and well defined, there are different types of goals for this purpose:

  • Progress goal: I want to improve my piano playing skills

  • Numerical goal: Focus on reaching a certain number/ figure (Eg: I want to save up X amount of money by the end of the year)

  • System goal: A output shcedule that you follow on a regular basis (Eg: I will go to the gym 3x per week)

I believe that focusing on numerical goals is not a good long term solution, as they are often unrealistic which leads us to be disappointed if we don't achieve them. On the other hand, a progress or system goal allows you to stay more committed to your goal as a long term solution and makes sure that you are headed in the right direction.

When setting goals, it is important to consider:

  • How will I achieve my goal: What steps will I take towards completing it?

  • How long will it take me to complete it: When is the deadline?

  • How will I measure my goal: How will I know that I have completed my goal?

  • What resources will I need: Physical resources, time, money, energy, social connections

  • How will I stay commited to my goal: Being accountable to someone or reminding myself?

TIP 10: Just Start and Don’t Complicate

As simple as it sounds, it can’t be overstated that the only way to get something done, is just by starting it. We often procrastinate from starting a task by doing excessive planning and thinking about starting, but then we never actually end up starting.

Its always easier to dream about, plan and think about starting than putting in the actual effort of starting

By just starting and acknowledging that no one is perfect when they initially start out, it frees your mind from judgement and self-doubt that is often faced when starting something new, which allows you to develop your ideas organically as you grow. Starting is the first proactive step to take and only once you start you will be able to figure out all of the other smaller details in your journey because it takes starting and building real experience to direct yourself in the correct direction.

Don't overthink, just start. You will figure things out as you go and that should never be a prerequisite for starting out in the first place because no one has everything figured out when they first start out.

Enjoy the process.

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